Always Aware

The Threat Is There


Cyberthreats Are Everywhere,
All the Time


New FTC Compliance Rules Take Effect in May 2024 —
Are You Ready?

A new FTC amendment will take effect on May 13, 2024. The new amendment will require a dealership to submit a claim within 30 days of discovery. You must notify the FTC if you have at least 500 customers who have had information obtained without their authorization at your dealership.

Even If You Are Compliant, Don't Get Complacent

Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. You must always be aware of the ever-evolving dangers to your data, network and devices. CDK Global helps monitor and protect against potential cyberthreats now and in the future.

Read the 2023 Dealership Cybersecurity report to learn more about the threats dealerships are facing today and how they are addressing them.

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CYBER solutions

The Right Solutions, The Right People

Our Cybersecurity Solutions and Highly-Trained Professionals Are
Here To Help Your Business Avoid a Costly Attack

CDK Global    Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Know Who's Accessing Your System

Even secure devices can sometimes fall into the hands of bad actors. That’s why it is so important to make sure your system knows who is using the device and what level of access to information they need to do their job. Multifactor authentication helps protect against cyber break-ins by using at least two pieces of evidence to verify user identity before granting system access.

CDK Global authentication solutions can help keep your network safe while also fulfilling a key compliance requirement of the new FTC regulations.


CDK Global    Endpoint Protect

Allow Only the Right Connections To Keep Your Dealership Safe

Your network isn’t secure unless every access point is properly defended from cyberattacks. Rogue devices can create havoc in your network — even when the user doesn’t intend to do any harm. Legacy antivirus software can’t keep up with today’s sophisticated and persistent cyberattacks, which puts your business at risk of infection and compromise.

CDK Global offers endpoint device protection solutions that help guard your system by detecting and helping to stop attacks in real time, before they become data breaches.


CDK Global    Security Awareness Training

Train Your Employees Before They Become Threats

One of the top threats to your network security is your employees. With access to your network and systems, one wrong click — intentional or not — and your data is compromised. However, you can turn your employees from potential threats into another layer of defense against phishing and other cyberattacks with proper training.

CDK Global offers security awareness training solutions to help your employees keep cybersecurity top of mind to build a more resilient, secure dealership.



CDK Global

Contact Us

Work with a CDK Global cybersecurity expert to determine the best way to help protect your network and keep you compliant now and in the future.

The information contained in the network security evaluation is for general informational purposes only, and CDK Global expressly disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on such information.

Or Talk To an Expert at 1.888.424.6342.