Create a

⟶ Unified Digital


With CDK Roadster Omnichannel, customers build their deal online and finish with the personal touch of the dealership.

The Best Choice for Digital Retailing

Sell the way that your customers want online and in-store and increase productivity by engaging with your customers no matter where they are in the car buying journey.

By utilizing Roadster’s vast integrations and features, you can establish a transparent, frictionless process that engages the customer through the buying journey without breaks in the process.

Improve Efficiency and Productivity of Your Operations

Roadster Omnichannel establishes trust and transparency with your customers with all this and more:

Access CRM customer profiles without leaving the Admin page in Roadster

Collect customer documents from the first moment a customer is checked in the showroom

Synchronized updates in Roadster Admin when a change is made by a salesperson or customer online or in store

Reduce wait times by modifying processes within the variable ops team

Take Advantage of Everything Roadster Has to Offer

Deliver a seamless experience customers love with these features:

Certified with
20+ OEMs

giving you equal opportunity to take advantage of a robust digital retailing solution.

Industry-leading functionality

you can expect from a first-class dealership and customer experience that will increase customer satisfaction and efficiency within your dealership.

Intuitive Integrations

with CRM platforms that allow the data to communicate and sync with less rekeying of information.

We Do
Digital Retailing

⟶ Better

Learn why Roadster Omnichannel is the best choice for meeting your customers’ needs. Fill out the form below to talk with us today.