What you need to know

CDK Simple ID

CDK Drive is offering better security and easier user management

Download our step-by-step guide to walk you through the necessary steps for migration.


Security is more important than ever.

CDK Global is upgrading the authentication technology for all CDK Drive users by moving user authentication to the Connect CDK Platform with CDK Simple ID. Now you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced security, plus an easier way to manage users in your DMS.

  • Users can reset their own passwords by answering security questions
  • Manage user roles and permissions for other CDK applications that authenticate on the Connect CDK platform from one place
  • Users log into Drive with their email address

Added benefits with Federation*:

  • Custom password rules: length, complexity, time to live, self-help
  • Multifactor authentication ( MFA)
  • Federation with other service providers: HR, vendors, manufacturers
  • Streamlined offboarding procedures with centralized access control
  • Customized dashboard of applications, per user


* Requirements: Active Directory and an identity provider

Why should you migrate now?

Future CDK product enhancements and new products will requre Simple ID.


What you need to do to prepare.

Your dealership's Administrator should complete the following tasks before you upgrade to CDK Simple ID for Drive:
(Full instructions are included in the Guide below)

Administrators should remove all inactive users by accessing the Inactive User report within CDK Drive. This is a great opportunity to confirm that only the users who should be allowed to log into Drive have access.

Administrators should also review the user email addressed within Drive to ensure they meet company standards and that active users have an email address in the system. This email address will become the user's new CDK Simple ID. The Simple ID will be used in place of the current CDK Drive logon.

Administrators will need to update trusted sites in all dealership PC browsers. Instructions for this can be found through the resources link below.



Download our guide for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the required migration tasks. The guide also includes a helpful FAQ.


Contact your CDK Customer Account Manager (CAM) with questions.